Monday, September 7, 2009

Decisions, decision...

Why has it been so hard to make decisions lately? It just seems like our life has been nothing but a whirl-wind of feelings and emotions. From finding our apartment to thinking about Maw Maw, it has been hard! Chris and I did a personality test with our preacher last week at our pre-marital session. We had to mark 1-4 in a group of adjectives that best described ourselves. In one of the group of words was the word indecisive. That is one word that I AM! I, of course, placed a 4 for that word since it best described me. I'm not exactly sure why I'm so wishy washy...maybe I'm just worried that something will not work out that way that I want it to and it will get screwed up. I accuse Chris of being wishy washy, but I'm the true culprit. In our Sunday School class our teacher was talking about in a marriage there are things that one of us cannot do that they other can do perfectly. Maybe that's my flaw. I hate that being a flaw because there are so many decisions to make in so little time that will effect our lives forever. Maybe I'm just being too dramatic. I can get that way sometimes as well. Anywho, the purpose of my rambling is that we have decided to go ahead with our original date for our wedding, which is October 30th. We do not want to regret not being able to share this special day with our friends and family. This is it. Our decision.

We also got a new puppy Friday night. Mom has been so sad that Jaxon will be leaving when I move out that Mike wanted to get her a "replacement" Jaxon Bo. So, Chris and I drove down to Fort Valley/Macon to get Jasper Lee, an 11-week-old red dachshund. He is so precious! Pictures will definitely be coming soon!

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