I, from experience, have learned for myself to do what everyone in the household happy. If your child will only sleep in his car seat, put that child in his car seat and stick him in his crib with that baby monitor on. Noah only wanted to sleep on his belly. This child refused, and I mean straight up REFUSED to sleep on his back. I had to do what allowed him (and me!) to get some rest.
Now my little boy is rolling, [almost] crawling, and has been saying "mamamamamama". Of course, I have an uber big grin on my face right now as I'm typing this.
And why, whyyyyy, do manufacturers feel the need to put so many daggum labels/tags on a product warning parents not to leave their child unattended, choking hazard, suffocation hazards, blah blah blah. I get it. Everything is a suffocation/strangulation hazard. But why, put 10 different tags on something when you know good and well that is going to be the first thing my child goes for. The tags. There can be a million toys around, and what is the first thing he sees or crawls to? The tags. Not the annoying remote control that I hear singing in my sleep. The tags. Lord, my child is so comical. I present to you, Mr. Personality!
Yep, that's him after eating some green beans, which by the way, he doesn't care too much for. This morning he wasn't feeling so hot after having some shots yesterday, but here is a little look at our photo shoot:
As you can tell, he wasn't having much of that. (He is so my child.)
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