Friday, September 10, 2010

No Home Sweet Home

It's been a few months since I last posted about the house. No house, yet. Not sure why God is telling us it's not the right time, but I think Chris and I are finally getting the picture. We hate sucks. We WANT to buy a house to eventually start a family, but that's the thing...we WANT. Maybe it's not what we need right now. We need to pay off our couch and love seat and at least get Chris some new shoes. He has literally wore the soles out of them. As for renting, I hate having a driveway with poo on it some days, but they have gotten better about cleaning it up. Jaxon is well adjusted and I would hate to disrupt him again. :) We thought maybe the 3rd time would the charm on the house, but our gut feeling is just telling us that it's not the right time. I hate to say it, but I believe we were trying to "keep up with the Jones'". Instead, we need to be keeping up with the Johns'...and our bills and eliminating debt. We (or at least I) have been comparing ourselves to other young couples and thinking, "They have this and that, so...why can't we?" God quickly corrects us and tell us, "You don't need this right now." It's just so hard to forget what you need. We went to the beach the other week and as we sat there, we noticed all of the seagulls feeding on the little minnows in the shallow water. Chris made the observation that God provides everything for them, food, shelter, everything, so why do we worry about where we will be living and our money? As long as we give back to God and trust in Him, He will provide. That has been a constant reminder of where we stand and where He wants us: to stand still and listen to Him.

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