Monday, August 10, 2009

Just some thought.

I have decided to walk for the Alzheimer's Association on October 17, 2009 in honor of my grandmother, Orene P. Head. I never thought when I was a little girl that she would develop such a debilitating disease that would steal her memories and thoughts away. My goal is to raise at least $500. She is such a wonderful, beautiful woman. I'm surprised that a lot of people are not wanting to donate and try to end such a horrifying disease. Yes, I know that breast cancer affects many many people, but Alzheimer's is becoming one of the leading causes of death of people, including many under the age of 65! It's not very commercialized at breast cancer and people need to be aware of this!

I'm trying to get this information out there for people to realize, but I really don't know if it's a true concern; at least, until someone in their family is diagnosed. It was never a concern for me...until Maw Maw was diagnosed.

So many of these people suffer, and if I could have one wish, it would be to rid the world of this sickness. Please go to this site if you would like to donate:

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