Friday, January 17, 2014

Love Lost?

I was very disheartened yesterday when I was notarizing some things for a divorce filing.  The wife (or rather, soon-to-be-ex-wife) said, "It's so much easier to get married, maybe they should require all of this and maybe more people wouldn't get married."  That broke my heart.  What had they been through together for her to resort to this mind-set?  At what point do you wake up in the morning and say, "I want a divorce"?  Coming from a divorced family, I have some of my views that I carry near to me, but as a married mother, I just could not imagine coming home to an empty house at any point in time.  Is it just that easy to give up on one another?  I'm not perfect by any means, as I tend to get quiet when something is bothering me, and I can be a little tenacious at times, but Chris can read me like a dang book.  He can look at me and see right through me.  I guess God blessed me with that wonderful man that was made just for me.  No, I know he blessed me because there wasn't a day that went by in my singledom that I didn't pray for a man just like him.  And I waited.  Your thoughts?

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